May 31, 2018

- min

ASEAN Insights Cambodia ICO Market

ASEAN Insights Cambodia ICO Market

Cambodia is seriously lagging behind its Asian neighbors in the areas of Fintech and financial inclusion. However the good news is it has plenty of potential for growth. In this report – ASEAN Insights Cambodia ICO Market, we take you on a detailed overview of the state of the country regarding the above mentioned sectors.

Asean Insight Cambodia

ASEAN Insights Cambodia

In this report you’ll learn about Cambodia’s population, stats, & age demographics. You’ll also learn about how much of the population has accessed the internet, and how this compares to its neighboring countries.

We also cover mobile phone users in relation to the country and how it compares to others. In short, you’ll learn much about Cambodia’s digital ecosystem.

We talk about the great potential Cambodia has to boom in the Fintech sector in the coming years, and why. The rising of digital technologies and innovations, especially in payments and financial areas, will greatly help the country to grow.

And it’s already began, for example, the adoption of mobile payments for domestic money transfer services has been rising in the country. The report also includes information on the potential impacts of GDP growth.

We also cover some of the constraints the country has on further development and on the state of infrastructure, which hinder the ease of financial inclusion. We talk about the lack of an e-KYC (Know Your Customer) infrastructure. And a severe lack of P2P payment platforms and e-commerce, among many other problems.

Related graphs concerning areas that would be affected by advancement in digital solutions are included in the report. The solutions to many of these problems are also reported. You’ll also learn how Cambodia stacks up to its Asian neighbors in regards to the ease of starting a business.

All in all, it’s very early in Cambodia’s digital growth, and we believe it’s on the right track, and with lots of room to improve and grow. With the right examples in place, we think it’s only a matter of time before the country reaps the full benefits of all that financial technology (FinTech) can offer.

Created by Cyberius, a digital marketing company that specializes in content creation, online community management, and crowdfunding.

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ASEAN Insights Cambodia ICO Market

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